MKB Obtains Complete Defense Verdict in Admitted Liability Dump Truck Accident Case with Nearly $500k in Alleged Special Damages

Scott McMickle
Scott McMickle
Luke Kennedy
Luke Kennedy

McMickle, Kurey & Branch, LLP partners Scott McMickle and Luke Kennedy recently obtained a complete defense verdict in an admitted liability dump truck accident case while representing a local gravel hauling trucking company in Walton County Superior Court. The case involved a low-speed dump truck accident where the Plaintiff claimed nearly $500k in medical special damages including multiple surgeries. Despite the high damages alleged, MKB’s attorneys conducted extensive discovery to show Plaintiff’s alleged injuries were pre-existing and not caused by the subject accident and to demonstrate the significant financial relationship among Plaintiff’s counsel, litigation funding company, and medical providers. Because of the significant discovery efforts, Defendants were well prepared for trial and were able to obtain a successful result for their clients and their insurer, Donegal Insurance Group.